Trying to master mid tones and not just draw high contrast photos all the time. Those are a lot easier to sketch and I'm trying to challenge myself!

Also, I am switching to tumblr! Hopefully by the end of the week I will be happy with the layout. I just want to be part of a more community based blog site. I'll be posting the link within the next couple of days. 

Until tomorrow. (Yes Dana, that is your wallet and keys in the background.)
 I drew on the wrong side of the paper today to see what it was like.

 I don't think I will do that again. 

I miss the texture. This is the second time I've drawn this girl and it STILL does not look like her.  

Will try again another time. Until tomorrow.
I love looking at them all together and seeing the progress. I have such a long way to go but I'm excited!
So...I know I skipped a day yesterday but if we're talking semantics, 100 days of sketch doesn't have to mean 100 consecutive days...although I will try to do it everyday. It was deadline week at my internship so things were a little hectic. Anyways, here is the rest of Mandela. Today was a snow day and hopefully tomorrow will be too! I'll have more time to draw finallyyyyyy. I've been doing a lot more blending with brushes and I like it! Until tomorrow.
Guess who???? I will finish it tomorrow. I've seen so many beautiful drawings of this man so I wanted to try it out. He really was such an inspiring, amazing, and monumental person....well....depending on who you think it is. 
Touching up on an old drawing I did when I used to work the grave yard shift. This was the first drawing I completed using mechanical pencils. Makes a difference I think. 
This is how I feel about Mondays. Every Monday.  TGIF. Until tomorrow.
Drawing another old man today. Let's see how it turns out. Until tomorrow.
Hey guys!!! Sorry about the delay! I've been working on a commission which I posted below. It was soooo hard. I'm used to drawing very high contrast pictures so I have more values to work with. I was very limited by this picture but it has taught me that you can't always rely on a reference, especially when it comes to commission drawing. I think I'm going to learn more about the anatomy of a face and how to draw more freehandedly.  I have some projects in my head that I want to do over the next few days so stick with me!

Until tomorrow.
Working on a smaller scale tonight.