Excited that I finally got to draw lovely Noel.

Very refreshing. Drawing something young for a change.
It's going. This guy has a crazy beard. Not sure how I'm going to draw that but I'm excited to try it out. Trying new things, in the drawing sense, is becoming easier to do.

Until tomorrow.
Not sure if you can see the extra detail that I spent two hours drawing but it's coming along!!!

ALSO!!! IT'S DAY 50!!!! It really should be like day 80 with the amount of days I've skipped but I'm happy with my progress. I hope you are seeing a difference in my drawing skills.

Until tomorrow.

Day 49

Taking a brfrom the other guy
I'm trying to make this one as detailed as possible. Lot of hair on this one. We shall see how it goes.

Until tomorrow.
I'm back! I have been working on so many side projects that I'm so excited to share.

Until tomorrow.
He's coming along. I think I want to do a series of FINISHED old people. I'm really fascinated by the aging process.
Really taking it slow on this one. It's a lot darker in person. I just think I've dropped my phone one too many times so the camera is messed up. Until tomorrow. Happy Spring Break!
Taking a break from that sad girl. I'm working on a bigger scale tonight. I find that artists who are able to draw more detailed work draw on a bigger scale. Also, I drew this in bad lighting and I can tell that now. Gotta do better!
Does she look more sad today?